CarerLinks Cheshire West
IMPORTANT MESSAGE – We are temporarily unable to receive any further new referrals. We currently have a plan in place and will continue to support the carers we are already working with.
CarerLinks is not an emergency team. If at any point you are in an emergency situation, you would need to call Cheshire West and Chester Council Adult Emergency Out of Hours Team on 01244 977277
or email: emergencydutyteam@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
If you are in need of carer support, please contact Cheshire & Warrington Carers Trust:
Website: https://cheshireandwarringtoncarers.org/
Phone: 0300 102 0008
If you’d simply like to be put into contact with another carer, then register for our carers pen pal scheme below.
Carers Pen Pal Scheme…
Would you like to talk to someone who really understands your role as a carer? Our Carers Pen Pal Scheme could be perfect for you..
What is CarerLinks?
Every day 6,000 people will become a carer. CarerLinks offers emotional and practical support to unpaid carers, helping them to protect their health and wellbeing and cope with their caring role. Carer advisors provide a listening ear and can link carers into services and support.
Who is a carer?
A carer is someone of any age who cares, unpaid, for a family member or friend who, due to illness, a disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without support. This service supports adult carers of 18yrs or over who care for someone of any age. For support for young carers click here Young Carers Service
Why do we need to identify carers?
Caring can be very rewarding, but also very demanding and can affect physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Many carers are trying to work, study and look after other family members in addition to their caring responsibilities. It is important to ensure carers are aware of support available as early as possible.
How CarerLinks can help?
- By supporting carers to think about their own needs and plan action for change.
- By listening and offering a range of services and support to help carers improve their health and well being, including; 1:1 support, information, advice, advocacy and signposting.
- By providing carer breaks, delivered by experienced Carer Support Workers, allowing carers to have some time to themselves.
- By working in partnership to link carers with all other sources of help and support.
Our Carer Portal is now LIVE!
The Carer Portal is a new website for carers that enables you to have 24 hour access to information and support. We know that sometimes life gets a little busy when you’re a carer so the Portal is there whenever you need it. The Carer Portal is completely free to use, all you need to do is sign up and create an account.
Changing Lives Every Day

“ I had no time for myself, I felt trapped. I don’t know what I would have done without the break from the Carers Links Service”