Mental Health Resources
Helpful Mental Health Resources
Your mental health should always be a priority, together we can beat the stigma around starting the conversation that could help save lives.
We understand that sometimes talking about your mental health can be difficult. Finding the help you need can be hard, especially when you don’t know where to look for it. Here we have put together a list of resources that can help you to manage your own feelings through a range of different options from self-help programmes to expert advice, there is something for everyone so please take a moment to have a look through and find an option that best suits you.
Crisis Helplines
Phone: 116 123 (Freephone, operated 24/7)
Email: jo@samaritans.og
Website: www.samaritans.org
Phone: 0300 304 7000 (Local call rates apply, operated 6pm-11pm, 7 days a week)
This is an out of hours mental health and emotional support helpline that can provide you with information and advice.
General Mental Health Information and Forums
Mind Infoline
Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Local call rates apply, 9am-6pm, Monday – Friday) Please note that this is an information line and does not offer emotional support.
Text: 86463
Rethink Advice and Information Service
Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Local call rates apply, 9:30am-4pm) Please note that this is an information line and does not offer emotional support.
Action for Happiness
Website: www.actionforhappiness.org
This not-for-profit movement has a range of resources on their website that you can use to make yourself feel happier and reduce the risk of mental illness.
Men’s Health Forum
Website: www.menshealthforum.org.uk
Men’s Health Forum provide free, independent information focusing on male health issues including mental health.
Health Talk
Website: www.healthtalk.org
Health Talk is another online resource that uses people’s real life experiences to inform and support others facing the same problems.
Abuse Help and Support
Rape Crisis
Phone: 0808 802 999 (Freephone, 12:00-14:30 and 19:00-21:30)
Rape Crisis is a national charity that provides support and advice for anyone who has been raped or has experienced any kind of sexual violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247 (Freephone, operated 24/7)
Refuge offer support and information to anyone who is a victim of domestic violence and is in partnership with Women’s Aid.
Survivor’s UK
Phone: 0203 598 3898v
Email: info@survivorsuk.org
Website: www.survivorsuk.org
Survivors UK provides help and support for men who have experienced sexual violence or abuse.
Women’s Aid
Phone: 0808 2000 247 (Freephone, operated 24/7)
Email: helpline@womensaid.org.uk
Website: www.womensaid.org.uk
Women’s Aid are a grassroots federation who provide life changing support to those who are a victim of domestic violence.
Addiction and Substance Misuse
With You
Phone: 020 7251 5860
Website: www.wearewithyou.org.uk
With You offers support to anyone who wants to make a positive behavioural change when it comes to drugs, alcohol, mental health and wellbeing.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone: 0800 9177 650 (Freephone, national helpline)
Email: help@alcholics-anonymous.org.uk
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Alcohol Health Network
Phone: 0203 151 2420
Email: info@alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk
Website: www.alcoholhealthnetwork.org.uk
Alcohol Health Network is a UK-based company which aims to improve alcohol related health in the workplace and communities. They offer information on reducing the amount of alcohol you consume, policy advice, training and online health checks and counselling.
Gamblers Anonymous UK
Website: www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk
Narcotics Anonymous UK
Phone: 0300 999 1212 (Helpline, 10am-12am, 7 days a week)
Website: www.ukna.org
Rehab Recovery
Website: www.rehab-recovery.co.uk
Anxiety Help and Support
Anxiety UK
Phone: 08444 775 774 (9:30am-5:30pm, Monday – Friday)
Please note that this number is an information line.
Text: 07537 416 905
Website: www.anxietyuk.org.uk
Anxiety UK is a national charity run by people who have lived with and experienced anxiety. They offer information and some self-help groups on how to live with anxiety.
No Panic
Phone: 0844 967 4848 (Helpline, 10am-10pm, 7 days a week)
Website: www.nopanic.org.uk
No Panic specialise in offering support to those who face any kind of anxiety disorder through their helpline and self-help resources which can be found on their website.
Crime Support
Victims’ Information Service
Phone: 0808 168 923 (Freephone)
Website: www.victimsinformationservice.org.uk
The Victims’ Information Service is a free nationwide service which helps people find local support after a crime takes place.
Victim Support
Phone: 0808 1689 111 (Freephone, 8pm-8am, Monday – Friday, 24 hours at weekends)
Website: www.victimsupport.org.uk
Victim Support are a charity that help people with trauma after a crime has taken place. They offer support through their helpline and can give guidance on how to report the event.
Depression Help and Support
Association for Postnatal Illness
Phone: 0207 386 0868 (10am-2pm, Monday – Friday)
Email: info@apni.org
Website: www.apni.org
APNI provides support to women who may be experiencing postnatal depression.
Depression UK
Email: info@depressionuk.org
Website: www.depressionuk.org
Depression UK offers self-help solutions to anyone who may be affected by depression.
Eating Disorder Help and Advice
ABC (Anorexia and Bulimia Care)
Phone: 0300 011 1213 (Helpline)
Email: support@anorexiabulimiacare.org.uk
Website: www.anorexiabulimiacare.org.uk
ABC is a national organisation that provides on-going care, support and practical guidance for anyone who may be affected by eating disorders.
Phone: 0345 634 1414 (Helpline)
Email: help@b-eat.co.uk
Website: www.b-eat.co.uk
Beat is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone who is affected by eating disorders.
MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too!)
Email: sam@mengetedstoo.co.uk
Website: www.mengetedstoo.co.uk
MGEDT is a national charity that raises awareness for eating disorders in men.
LGBTQ+ Resources
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Switchboard
Phone: 0300 330 0630 (Local call rates apply, 10am-11pm, 7 days a week)
Email: chris@switchboard.lgbt
Website: www.switchboard.lgbt
Confidential support, information and referral services including online chat services.
Phone: 0800 050 2020 (Freephone information service)
Email: info@stonewall.org.uk
Website: www.stonewall.org.uk
Stonewall is a provider of information and advice for all LGBTQ+ members. They also work in partnership with businesses and local communities to tackle discrimination.
Personality Disorder and Psychosis Help and Support
Email: admin@emergenceplus.org.uk
Website: www.emergenceplus.org.uk
Emergence is a service user led organisation which supports anyone who may be affected by personality disorder.
Hearing Voices Network
Phone: 0114 271 8210
Email: nhvn@hotmail.co.uk
Website: www.hearing-voices.org
The Hearing Voices Network is committed to helping people who have any symptoms of psychosis including hearing voices or seeing visions.
Self Harm Help and Support
Email: info@harmless.org.uk
Website: www.harmless.org.uk
Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm. They also offer alternative coping strategies to those who may be struggling.
NSHN (National Self Harm Network)
Website: www.nshn.co.uk
The National Self Harm Network offers online moderated support via a forum where people who are affected by self-harm can share their experiences and coping strategies.
Self-Help Apps and Online Resources
Big White Wall
Website: www.bigwhitewall.com
A safe online community of people who may feel anxious, down or feel as though they aren’t coping. They can help other people in the same position as well as getting support from trained professionals. This is also available as an app.
CBT Online
Website: www.moodgym.anu.edu.au
This is an interactive website that allows you to follow CBT practices to prevent and cope with depression.
Down Your Drink
Website: www.downyourdrink.org.uk
Down Your Drink allows you to examine your drinking habits and find ways of cutting it down.
Get Self Help
Website: www.getselfhelp.co.uk
This is another great online resource that provides CBT and self-help podcasts.
Website: www.happyhealthyapp.com
Happyhealthy is a health app that gives you daily reflection exercises to make you think more mindfully when it comes to lifestyle, nutrition, sleep and exercise.
Website: www.headspace.com
Headspace is an app based on teaching people mindfulness meditation principles to improve their wellbeing.
Website: www.sleepio.com
Sleepio is a sleep management app that combines CBT with the latest sleep research.
Stay Alive App
Website: www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/find-help-now/stay-alive-app/
The Stay Alive App is a suicide prevention pocket app that was developed by Grassroots Suicide prevention. It is a UK-based app that offers users resources and strategies to stay safe from suicide.