Carers Assessments
If you care for someone on a regular basis, you have a right to request an assessment to see what help is available to support your caring role. This is called a carer’s assessment.
It might recommend things like:
- support to allow you to take a break
- gym membership or exercise classes to relieve stress
- financial support with taxi fares if you don’t drive
- advice about benefits for carers
- practical support with gardening and housework
- training on how to lift safely
- putting you in touch with local support networks
A carer’s assessment is free and anyone over 18 can ask for one. This is different to a ‘needs assessment’ that the person with care needs might have, but it may be worthwhile requesting both at the same time.
How to get a carer’s assessment
Contact adult social services at your local council and ask for a carer’s assessment. You can call your local authority or do it online: Find your local social services team (England only)
About the carer’s assessment
Someone from the council, or an organisation the council works with will contact you to find out how you are coping with your caring role. This will include how it affects your physical and mental health, work, free time and relationships. The assessment is usually in person, however it can be over the phone or online.
Preparing for your carer’s assessment
Try to give as much information as you can about the impact caring for someone is having on your own life. This could make all the difference to the support you are offered.
Elderly Care
Which? Elderly Care has a really helpful checklist of questions to help you prepare for a carer’s assessment,
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