Thank you for considering leaving a gift to Crossroads Together. A legacy gift to us is a lasting and empowering way to support unpaid carers in the UK.
What your gift could achieve
By leaving a gift to Crossroads Together in your Will, you can support unpaid carers, many of whom are still children. We work with carers as young as five, who are caring for a parent/s, grandparent or siblings. Many young carers spend as much as 7 hours every day, outside school, providing care.
Legacy gifts of the past have already helped us achieve so much:
- We now support over 5000 carers a year.
- In 2018 we delivered over 125,000 carers breaks
- We work with young carers 5-18 years old providing them with 1:1 time, peer support, friendship groups, activities and days out, plus social and issue based sessions.
How you can leave us a gift in your Will
Making the decision to leave a legacy gift is an important one, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Below you can find information on the process and we are here to support you to make everything flow as easy as possible.
Here are the basics:
- Ensure that it states clearly in your will that you would like to leave a gift to us.
To ensure that the Will is valid and legal we recommend using a professional will writing service or a solicitor. - Include our full name, to make sure the money goes to the right place: Crossroads Care Cheshire, Manchester and Merseyside Limited trading as Crossroads Together. Registered charity No 1075268.
- If you have already written us into your Will, we’re very grateful and would love it if you could let us know as it helps future planning.
What types of gifts can you leave?
There are many different types of gifts that you could leave and we are grateful for any of them. You can be assured that we will be putting the gift to good use.
Here are a few types of gifts you can leave us in your Will:
- A share of your estate – After you’ve provided for your family and friends, you can leave a share, or the remainder, of your estate to us. This is called a ‘residuary gift’.
- Cash gift – This is when you leave an exact sum of money to us. It’s known as a ‘pecuniary gift’.
- A specific gift – People have been known to leave specific items, houses, jewellery, premium bonds, we welcome most gifts.
- A gift in trust – You can leave a gift for someone to use over a period of time. When the time has ended, the gift can be passed on to other recipients, such as a charity.
There are nearly 7 million unpaid carers in the UK and with your support we can work with as many as possible.