Our vision
We want carers and those with care needs to be identified, supported and offered outstanding care to help maintain their own health and well being.
Our mission
To be the leading provider of professional support to carers and those with care needs.
Crossroads Together is committed to delivering services which we would wish for ourselves and our loved ones.
What is a carer?
A carer is someone of any age who cares, unpaid for a family member or friend who, due to illness, a disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without support.
Crossroads Together are here to offer you the support you need, when you need it. Whether it is simply a little advice, some practical help or a break from your caring responsibilities.
Why we need to identify carers
Caring can be very rewarding, but also very demanding and can affect physical and mental well-being. Many carers are trying to work, study and look after other family members in addition to their caring responsibilities. We believe it is important to ensure carers are aware of support available as early as possible.
We are a not for profit registered charity providing high quality care at home and support services for carers and people with care needs.
UK’s largest charity
We are also a Network Partner of Carers Trust, the UK’s largest charity for, with and about carers. We work across Cheshire and Warrington, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Shropshire and Herefordshire.
We have almost 250 trained professionals, helping close to 9000 people, including over 600 young carers, with practical and emotional support each year.
How we help you
We offer a wide range of services for you and the person you care for:
- Flexible breaks for carers, with care in your own home
- High quality personal care and general help with daily living
- End of Life Care - enabling people to choose to live their last days at home
- A range of care services you can purchase privately
- Information, support and advice for carers
- Support for young carers and young adult carers
- Groups, activities and individual support for children and young people with disabilities, including those with complex needs
- Social activities for adults
- Social skills groups for children and adults with Autism
*as a charity our objective is to offer as many services free at the point of delivery
*services vary according to location
1 in 12 young people
care for a family member or a sibling – Carers Trust
It’s all in the name. Our history...
Carers Trust is the largest charity supporting carers in the UK and exists as the result of a merger between two charities; Crossroads Care and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers. The decision to merge enabled the two charities to become a bigger, stronger organisation, offering a national voice and widespread support for carers.
We were formerly known as Crossroads Care Cheshire East, Manchester and Merseyside. Why Crossroads? Because the charity was originally formed as the result of a story line in the 1970’s television series ‘Crossroads’
Associated Television (ATV) produced a popular soap opera in the 1970’s called “Crossroads”. In 1972 one of its characters was left paralysed following a car accident. A viewer, Noel Crane, who was himself severely disabled, contacted the programme’s producer to query some of the details of their portrayal of the disability. As a result, a further character, with a permanent disability similar to Noel Crane’s, was introduced into the programme and the problems he and his family encountered were modelled on those of Noel Crane.
At one point in the story, a leading character, Meg Richardson, started a fund to pay for nursing care to relieve the families and carers of people with a physical or emotional disability, long term condition or issues with drugs or alcohol. Subsequently, in May 1974, ATV donated £10,000 to set up a real scheme in the town of Rugby to provide such care. Because the TV series had highlighted so accurately the needs of people with care needs and their families, the organisers of this pilot scheme could think of no more appropriate name than “Crossroads”. Since that time Crossroads has spread to other towns throughout England and Wales and has offered support to hundreds of thousands of carers.
Crossroads Together has a head office based at Overton House in Congleton. We also have offices in Bury, Cheshire East, Liverpool and Hereford.
Working with you
If you feel you could use a little help, just let us know. We can visit you at home and together with the person you are caring for, work out how we can best provide what you need.
Trusted relationships
We know reliability, flexibility and continuity will all be important to both you and the person you care for; that is how we’ve built up many long and trusted relationships over our 30 years of helping carers like you.
Latest news

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