Help with caring
At Crossroads Together, we understand that being a carer can be challenging and can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Forms of support
Besides the range of Financial Support on offer, there are other forms of support available to help make your caring role a little easier. Read more below…
Carer Information and Advice
Every day 6,000 people will become a carer. Our CarerLinks information and advice service offers emotional and practical support to unpaid carers, helping them to protect their health and wellbeing and cope with their caring role. Our CarerLinks services aim to provide a listening ear and can link carers into services and further support. CarerLinks Carer Support
Carer Breaks
We enable carers to take a break from their role of looking after their loved one, safe in the knowledge that they are in trusted hands. Our highly trained support workers will deliver care in the home enabling carers to take a much-needed break. Carer Breaks
Care in the Home
We can support individuals of any age to live as independently as possible in their own homes. The care we provide can be tailored to your individual needs, whether you live alone and need support with daily tasks and activities, or you care for a loved one and would like some assistance with your caring role. Your Care, Your Way
Activities for Carers
Interests outside of a the caring role are key to providing valuable breaks and supporting health and well-being. We offer a growing range of social activities for both carers and the people they care for. Click here (CarerLinks Carer Support) to find out more.
Contact Us
If you’d like to talk to someone about your role as a carer contact us, or complete the short form below and we will contact you…
Contact us